♎️🌑 Libra New Moon: September 2022

2022 new + full moons Sep 27, 2022

26 SEP 7:54AM (AEST) // 25 SEP 2:54PM (PT)


This Libra new moon is here to highlight a tug-of-war between the two octaves of the feminine.

On one hand, you're safe and comfortable in the predictability and routine of your life and the way you live. And on the other hand, there's a part of you that's dreaming about a world and a life where anything is possible and you can achieve everything you desire. 💭

You've been trying to find the balance between them, but... the balance doesn't exist in the way you think it does* - there's a choice that you need to make.

This new moon is asking you to set goals for your next chapter when it comes to the kind of life that you want to live - one where you can continue to feel safe and comfortable, or one where you can fulfil all your dreams and desires.


There is no 'right' or 'wrong' choice here, just simply - what you want.

This is important - it has to be what YOU want, not what society tells you, or your partner, your family, or even the things you see on social media.

But when you are making this decision, there are certain red flags and self-sabotaging thoughts that you need to be wary of, as this Libra energy is prone to make us overlook things that come back to bite us in the ass later on. (Click to discover the area of self-sabotage for your Rising sign during this new moon.)

*The true balance between these two choices exists in honouring BOTH and knowing when you need to live which kind of life.


There are times when your body and nervous system needs to settle, to feel relaxed and safe and comfortable.. ☁️

And there are other times when you are called to grow and expand beyond what you thought was possible. 🔥



🎶 Put on your favourite song (one that makes you feel good), and if you don't have one you can click here to use my playlist. Close your eyes and move your body to the music in whatever way you feel like - it could be gentle swaying, moving your hips sensually, or just a flat-out dance party.

After the song's over, place your hand over your heart and ask – "What do you need from me? What can I give to you?"

And just listen.

Be patient.


Listen to what she needs and what comes up for her (I'm using she/her because we're working with our feminine desires here) - and then journal on that.

And remember, you need to ground in whatever choice you make and be aware of the self-sabotaging patterns that can come up in order to see the full big picture.

Discover your sign's area of self-sabotage here for A$5.55.


Happy new moon!

Love always,

L x 🖤

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