♈️🌕 Aries Full Moon: October 2022

2022 new + full moons Oct 05, 2022

10 OCT 7:55AM (AEDT) // 9 OCT 1:55PM (PT)


There are some soul patterns and contracts that are about to come to a close.

Intuitive abilities (especially claircognizance) are about to be heightened during the upcoming Aries full moon. ✨

Ask yourself: what are some people, spaces and situations that you've outgrown? That are no longer serving you? That you're realising aren't aligned with the path you want to be on anymore?

Most likely, you've known for a while, but it will become increasingly clear during this full moon as it brings a lot of emotional tension to the surface. 


It is time for certain soul patterns and contracts to be released and allowed to 'die'. 🥀

Death is ultimately an illusion – it's an ending, yes, but it's also a rebirth. It clears space for the new to come in.

The contracts that each sign needs to be released will be uploaded here on Oct 10.



There will be wounds and fears that are brought up with this death and rebirth, just like it always is when change occurs.

Think of this as an exercise for your inner masculine (yang) to show up for this cycle that your feminine (yin) needs to go through. How can you witness and hold yourself as you integrate these endings?


Our deepest healing happens when we can show up for ourselves fully like this. ☯️

We show our feminine (yin) that her emotions, her pain, her experiences – are worthy of being seen. And that she's not "too much", "too sensitive", "too weak", "too emotional".

And we show our masculine (yang) that simply his presence and commitment to see her, to hold her, to be there for all of her – is enough.




The energy around this full moon requires movement.

Moving energy is the quickest and easiest way to facilitate this rebirth on your own terms, allowing whatever is stagnant to flow out and bring life force back into your body and aura.

I'll be releasing a full breakdown + journal prompt a day before the full moon so make sure you sign up for it here!


Happy almost-full moon!

Love always,

L x 🖤

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