for the Divine Feminine queens aching to meet their feminine deeper...
& understand her nature through their unique energetic blueprint.
I will be analysing your birth chart to create a personalised report based on your Moon, Venus, Chiron signs + more.
This report will help you discover:
- your dominant Divine Feminine element - is it fire, earth, water or air?
- how your dominant element manifests in your life
- how you process emotions in your healthiest feminine embodiment
- your weakest element and how to activate + balance it
- which ancient goddess your feminine energy emulates
- the energy of your biggest feminine wound right now & how to heal it through different exercises / practices
- shadow work prompts for you
- the gift + shadow of your feminine
- healing exercises for your feminine shadow
- the psychic ability you have the most affinity for
- your feminine intuition, how it speaks to you + what it feels like when you're out of alignment
Your Feminine Blueprint Report will be sent to the email address you have provided here within 7 business days.