Welcome to Cosmic Polarity...
the extensive, self-paced course here to lead you into a deeper level of not only loving who you are, but loving being who you are. Embody your unique astrological blueprint and understand the Feminine & Masculine balance within yourself, your life - so you can step into deeply intuitive, aligned co-creation of your reality.
The content covered in this course can be used in all areas of your life - for the rest of your entire life.
It is all taken from my own personal experiences, and you will be able to learn everything that has helped me change my life through healing my darkest shadows and transforming my relationship with myself!

Is this course right for me?
Cosmic Polarity is designed for both men and women in any stage of their life who are seeking clarity around exactly who they are, to embrace their fullest self, to improve their relationships + their lives in a way that truly serves them.
If you're: feeling lost and yearning to feel at home in your own body + energy..
aching to take off any and all masks that limit your true expression (as Future said, "fck it, mask off")..
dying to embody your heart-centered authenticity and use the secrets of astrology + polarity dynamics to change your life..
then yes, this course was made for you.
You + Your Self
Your relationship with self is the foundation on which all your other relationships are built.
Learn how to open up to deeper vulnerability within yourself, set clear boundaries and prioritise yourself without shame or guilt.

Your Energetic Blueprint
Dive into your astrology to understand the core pillars that make you who you are, & how your chart was activated.
Discover your elemental makeup and how to ease tension and create harmony using your blueprint.
Plus, learn if your elements are showing up in their light (healthy) or shadow (unhealthy) aspects, as well as how to nurture them all.

Divine Masculine
Get to know how society has conditioned us to put up our wounded masculine shield that continues to sabotage our relationships and lives.
I teach you how to drop that shield and activate + embody your healthy masculine through the archetypes of your Mars sign.
Divine Feminine
Discover the 3 aspects of feminine energy that are the most suppressed and disconnected in our lives.
Break the conditioning and shame around your wounded feminine and learn how to embody your healthy feminine in a full, guided embodiment practice.
Understand your feminine archetype based on your Venus sign + how to honour the energetic counterpart to your masculine.

Healing & Shadow Work
Dive into your core wounds through your Chiron sign and learn how to take your power back by facing and integrating the shadows that keep you limited in life.
Learn how to healthily process trauma and create your new reality in 'The Void' using a healthy, balanced integration of your Masculine & Feminine.